Preparation time Preparation time 45'
Number of portions Number of portions 3
Fish Fish Baltic Salmon
Dish category Dish category Dinner


  1. 5 pieces of herring carcass
  2. salt, pepper, lemon pepper
  3. wheat flour
  4. rapeseed oil for frying
  5. 1 large ripe mango
  6. 1 chilli pepper
  7. 1/2 leek (white part)
  8. 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
  9. 1/2 teaspoon of maple syrup, sugar or honey
  10. juice from half a lemon
  11. rice
  12. favourite vegetables

Fried herring with mango-chilli salsa

Smażony śledź z salsą mango z chili


Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packet

Let's start with preparing the salsa. Pour oil into a hot frying pan. Add the finely diced white part of the leek and the chilli pepper with removed seeds. Fry over low heat, stirring every now and then, for 2-3 minutes. Add finely chopped mango and parsley. Season with salt, pepper, maple syrup or honey and drizzle with lemon juice. Stir gently and remove from the heat.

Rinse the herring, pat dry and rub with salt and pepper. Coat both sides with flour, fry in hot oil until brown. Drain on a paper towel.
Put the mango-chilli salsa on the herring. Serve with rice and your favourite salad.


Recipe by Justyna Ratajczak. Check out my blog "Tysia Gotuje".


See also

Herring with caramelised onions
Herring with caramelised onions
Mr Tasak's herring in cherries
Mr Tasak's herring in cherries
Herrings in spice-tomato marinade
Herrings in spice-tomato marinade

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