Preparation time Preparation time 20'
Number of portions Number of portions 4
Fish Fish Baltic Herring
Dish category Dish category Breakfast Supper


  1. a few pieces of herring in oil
  2. beetroots - ideally from a leaven, optionally cooked or roasted
  3. 1 large cooked potato
  4. 2 hard-boiled eggs
  5. 2 gherkins
  6. half a small onion
  7. 2 spoonfuls of natural yoghurt
  8. 1 spoonful of mayonnaise
  9. thinly grated hard cheese
  10. salt, pepper for taste

Baltic herring and pickled beetroot salad

Sałatka ze śledzia bałtyckiego i kiszonego buraka


Cut all ingredients into small cubes.

In a glass bowl/jar / other dish arrange the following layers: sliced beet, herring, cucumber with onion, potato, egg, mayonnaise with yogurt, yellow cheese, spices.

You can arrange multiple layers or break up the salad into smaller portions.


Recipe by Gosia Kurek. Visit the blog "Gohfitfan".

See also


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