"Dookoła Bałtyku" ("Around the Baltic Sea") is an extraordinary journey following the unique flavors of Baltic fish. Meet Wit "Cleaver" Szychowski and join him in a journey around the Polish coasts. Listen to stories told by people whom fate bound with our sea and learn interesting recipes for Baltic fish. Wit himself says the following about this adventure:

"And here I am. A chef with over 20 years of experience with dreams and plans of owning my own restaurant. But as it often happens with plans... life likes to complicate them. At the time when  I was already looking for an appropriate place in Warsaw, I got an interesting proposal. Proposal of hosting a program about fish, culture and people of the Baltic Sea. In my professional career I traveled practically all over Poland, but strangely Pomeranian regions so far remained for me a mysterious and unexplored land. Of course, I have read books about fish and the Baltic Sea before, but it is not the same as approaching the subject in person. I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. And since a journey is an experience and experience is growth, I put aside thinking about my own place, packed my cleaver and notebook into my backpack and set off on an adventure. An adventure that I hope will develop not only my cooking skills but also me as a person. Baltic, here I come!"


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