Nature! This is it! Health, exercise and good food! The Baltic Sea is not just salt water, so the plate will be both sweet and salty, just the way I like it. I will meet on my way a person who is fully devoted to nature and cares about its state, which I always respect very much. I will also feed wonderful guests who will teach me a technique that is extremely useful in emergency situations. In addition, I will meet an animal that arouses respect just by its appearance alone. Join me!
Recipe for 1 serving:
Pour a little oil into the frying pan and add butter (15g) and mushrooms. Fry for about 2 minutes and add the crayfish. Pour in the wine and add the bison grass. Cook for just a moment and add buckwheat groats, dill and smoked salt grated in a mortar. Stir carefully so that everything heats up and turn off the gas. Put it into a bowl.
Salt the fish from the meat side. Pour a little oil into a dry frying pan and when it heats up, fry the zander from the skin side, pressing gently at first. Fry for about 3 minutes. When the skin is browned, turn the fish over. Add butter and lemon juice. Fry for about a minute and put it into a bowl with buckwheat groats, crayfish and mushrooms.