Episode 7. "Weirdly cool - Dziwnow"

Czeslaw Niemen sung "Dziwny jest ten świat" ['tis a strange world] and I would also add that it is a very interesting one. The Baltic Sea has two faces. One is full of tourists and hubbub, the other resembles a winter night's sleep. You can say that I just happened upon the transition period.

I was wondering many times whether fishing is a male-only occupation. I wonder what it looks like from the perspective of women...

I live by a principle that you don't get very far in life without knowing your past and your roots. That is where the most inspiration is found. And so I am moving forward, but also looking into the past for a moment. It is in this episode that I cook under the conditions that suit me best. What else is there to add? Let's not waste any time and get moving!

Recipe for Episode 7

Polish paella with zander and herring on pearl barley in tomatoes with spinach, with black garlic, almonds, smoked eel and horseradish.

Recipe for 4 servings:


  • 250g zander fillet (cut into 2-3cm pieces)
  • 200g fresh Baltic herring fillet (cut like zander)
  • 100g onion (diced)
  • 20g flaked almonds
  • 2 tomatoes (cut into smaller pieces)
  • 2-4 cloves black garlic (chopped)
  • 250ml fish stock with lovage
  • 400g cooked pearl barley
  • approx. 200g smoked eel
  • horseradish for grating
  • 150-200g sour cream
  • 3-4g parsley
  • Canola oil for frying


Heat the oil in a frying pan with high sides. Fry the zander from the skin side and after about a minute add the herring. Add the onion and when it glazes, add the almonds. Fry everything for a while and then add the tomatoes and spinach. After a moment add the fish stock and boil it. Add pearl barley and black garlic. Add salt for taste. When everything heats up, remove from heat source. Garnish with horseradish if so desired, pour over with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

All that's left to do is grab some bread and start eating.


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