Episode 3. "Dyed or natural - Leba and its surroundings"

Alright then! I know more and more and as the Polish saying goes: "the further you walk..." (though in this case "into the sea" rather than the woods) the more you understand that there is strength in simplicity. In this episode I will meet with fishermen and I admit that as a working man I have been waiting for such a meeting to delve even deeper into the subject of Baltic fish. We will try to find an answer to the question whether dyed or natural is better. I got ahead of myself and in this episode I will cook two dishes, the first courtesy of my guest, and the second in the dream-like natural surroundings. I will spend time with a family whose history is uniquely intertwined with the Baltic Sea. I will also be visited by an old acquaintance of artists, philosophers and thinkers... Have I aroused your curiosity? Let's go then! 

Recipes for episode 3

Salmon with omelet, sauerkraut and flaxseed dressing

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 200g salmon fillet without scales
  • 15g+10g butter
  • 1/2 lemon to squeeze
  • 150g brown flaxseed
  • 200ml rapeseed oil
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 2 eggs
  • canola oil for frying
  • salt


In a dry pan roast the flaxseeds and stir for about 2min. Once it cools down, put it into a tall container. Add oil, cumin, sugar and blend to make a smooth sauce, adding salt for taste at the end. Beat the eggs, with a pinch of salt, until stiff. Melt butter (10g) in a frying pan. Pour the eggs and reduce the flame. Fry the omelet on one side only. At the end of frying fold the omelette in half, so that it matures in the middle.

Pour oil into a dry frying pan and once it gets hot, fry the salmon from the skin side. Try to fry on this side as long as possible until the skin is heavily browned. Turn the fish over, add butter and squeeze out the lemon juice. Fry for another minute or so, and done.

Pour the sauce into a bowl, place the sauerkraut, omelette, fish on a plate and decorate with parsley leaves.

Herring on challah with black pudding, fried egg, and spring onion

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 1 Baltic herring.
  • 200g black pudding
  • approx. 1,5cm slice of challah
  • Canola oil for frying
  • 1 egg
  • 1 spring onion for sprinkling
  • 10g butter
  • sea salt


Wash and gut the herring. Cut off the top and side fins. Cut around the tail so that it holds onto the spine and cut off the head. Place the herring on the board with its belly down and press firmly from the top. The herring should flatten out. Turn the fish over with the skin down and, holding the tail, pull out the backbone.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and brown the challah. Put the challah on a plate and pour a little oil into the frying pan. Peel the black pudding from the tripe and fry until crispy, breaking it up with a wooden spoon. Put the black pudding onto the challah. Wipe the pan carefully completely and pour a little of oil into it again. Fry the herring from the skin side for about 1,5 minutes. Lightly salt it with sea salt and turn it over. Fry for about 1 minute and put it on the black pudding. Top it with a fried egg and sprinkle with spring onion.


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