Preparation time Preparation time 40'
Number of portions Number of portions 80
Fish Fish Baltic Herring
Dish category Dish category Breakfast Dinner Supper


  1. 4 herring slabs
  2. 3 yolks
  3. 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  4. 1 tablespoon of sour cream
  5. ½ cup of whiskey or brandy
  6. enough flour to obtain the consistency of a rolling dough
  7. sprinkle with: sweet, hot and smoked paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger powder

Herring fritters

Faworki śledziowe


Drain the herrings and mix them together with the yolks into a smooth paste.


Add the alcohol, cream, baking powder and finally the flour. Pay attention to the consistency.

Roll into not too thin sheets, cut into long rectangles. Shape like faworki or diablotki. Fry in deep fat. After draining off the fat and cooling, sprinkle.


Nutrition values (1 serving)

kalorie białko tłuszcz węglowodany
142 kcal 11,2 g 9,9 g 0,7 g

See also

Herring paste on crispy toasts
Herring paste on crispy toasts
Herring and egg sandwich
Herring and egg sandwich

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