Preparation time Preparation time 45'
Number of portions Number of portions 1
Fish Fish Baltic Salmon
Dish category Dish category Dinner


  1. 160g of Baltic cod, a scaleless fillet
  2. 200g of white cabbage, leaves separately, the form and shape to one's taste
  3. 3 pcs. of crayfish, boiled, in wine sauce
  4. 1 clove of garlic, sliced
  5. 1 spoonful of chopped dill
  6. 1 spoonful of butter
  7. Lemon zest, 2 teaspoons
  8. Vegetable oil
  9. Salt

Baltic salmon fried with white cabbage, crayfish in butter sauce with garlic, dill and lemon zest

Łosoś bałtycki smażony z białą kapustą, rakami w sosie maślanym z czosnkiem, koperkiem i skórką cytrynową


Cook the cabbage in salted water for 15 minutes after boiling. Only enough water to cover the cabbage. Remove and drain, leave the water.


Pour oil into a fairly wide frying pan. Dry the salmon with a paper towel and rub with salt. When the oil is very hot, fry the fish skin side down, pressing from the top with a spoon in the centre with the convex side so that the skin fries evenly, but with enough sensitivity not to crush the meat.

Fry for about 4 minutes. In the middle of frying add the cabbage leaves. Turn the leaves to fry them evenly. Turn the fish over, fry for another 1 minute or so and put it onto a plate or into a bowl, as I did.

Turn the fish into a pan and fry for another 1 minute or so. .

The crayfish may be replaced with baked potatoes. The method is similair


Recipe by Wit Szychowski

See also


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