Preparation time Preparation time 120'
Number of portions Number of portions 2
Fish Fish Mackerel
Dish category Dish category Dinner

Baltic mackerel with baby cabbage and potatoes in head and tail broth and roasted vegetables

Makrela bałtycka z młodą kapustą i ziemniakami w wywarze ze łba i ogona oraz pieczonych warzyw


Cut off the fish's head and tail. The tail piece should be about 4 cm long. Cut the middle part in half (these are the two pieces in the picture) and lightly salt it.

Sprinkle the head, tail and greens with a little oil and roast until golden brown in an oven preheated to 180°C. Put everything into a pot and add the onion, bay leaf, allspice and 1.5L of water. Cook over low heat for approx. 1.5 hours. Slice the tomato in half and squeeze it into a bowl and add what's left to the pot with the stock. When everything has boiled down nicely, strain the stock through a sieve and reduce on a low gas to 250-300ml.

Place the pan in a saucepan.

Put a pan on the stove, pour in a little oil and fry our two previously salted pieces until golden brown. Remove from the pan and add the diced onion, cabbage, new potatoes and garlic. Brown everything and pour in our stock. Add the squeezed tomato and bring it to a boil. Turn off the gas, add the dill and only now add salt to taste.


Place a cabbage leaf in a bowl. Then add the cabbage from the stock, the new potatoes and the fish. Pour in the rest of the stock from the pan.


Recipe by Wit Szychowski. Check out my fanpage "Pan Tasak".

See also

Nice mackerel salad
Nice mackerel salad

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