Preparation time Preparation time 15'
Number of portions Number of portions 2
Fish Fish Baltic Herring
Dish category Dish category Breakfast


  1. 1 bigger herring
  2. 2 thick slices of pineapple
  3. lettuce
  4. tomato
  5. sriracha and mayonnaise
  6. red onion
  7. chives

Grilled pineapple and herring sandwiches

Kanapeczki z grillowanym ananasem i śledziem


Grill the pineapple slices on both sides in a grill pan, in a tablespoon of olive oil. Deep-fry the herring, after frying remove the backbone with the remaining bones.

Combine the sriracha and mayonnaise into a sauce and spread it over the pineapple slices, put the lettuce slices, tomato and then the fried fish pieces.


Pour a little more sauce over the herring, top with onion and chives.



Recipe by Alicja Jurkowska. Check out my blog Warszawski Smak.

See also

Herring paste on crispy toasts
Herring paste on crispy toasts
Herring and egg sandwich
Herring and egg sandwich

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