Preparation time Preparation time 30'
Number of portions Number of portions 4
Fish Fish Baltic Salmon
Dish category Dish category Dinner Supper


  1. 500 g salmon
  2. vegetable stock (best to cook more once and freeze)
  3. tin of corn
  4. 200 g bacon
  5. 1 onion
  6. 6 potatoes
  7. 2 carrots
  8. 30% cream small package
  9. salt, pepper, turmeric
  10. dill, chives

Finnish salmon soup

Fińska zupa z łososiem


  • add large pieces of potatoes and carrots to the boiling broth, cook until soft
  • in the meantime, cut the salmon into fairly large pieces
  • fry the chopped bacon, onion and corn in a pan until nicely browned
  • when the potatoes are soft add the salmon to the broth, reduce the heat, cook for 6 minutes and pour in the cream and corn with bacon and onion from the frying pan
  • add 2 teaspoons of turmeric (it will give the soup a beautiful colour)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Arrange on plates and sprinkle generously with chives and dill

Recipe by Alicja Jurkowska . Check out our pageWarszawski Smak.

See also

Salmon steak on roasted cauliflower
Salmon steak on roasted cauliflower
Salmon ravioli
Salmon ravioli

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