Sandwiches inspired by the island of Usedom

After the trip, it's time to eat. Wit, inspired by his journey on the island of Usedom, prepared his two types of the herring sandwich. We invite you to the Baltic Cuisine... from the kitchen side.


  • 5-6 salted herring flaps
  • butter roll with vinegar-pickled herring and caper sauce
  • 1 butter roll
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • 50g mayonnaise
  • 10-15g large capers
  • 1 Polish pickled cucumber
  • handful of leek sprouts
  • 300ml spirit vinegar
  • 800ml water
  • 140g sugar
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 pieces of allspice
  • 2 onions (sliced)
  • 1 small red onion
  • salt

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